Baterie compatibila laptopAsus A32-X51 X51H X51L X51RL A32-T12 X58Le 6 celule


170,00 lei


Tensiune: 10.8 / 11.1 V
Amperaj: 4400 mAh
Elementi / Celule: 6

Acumulatorul are celule LiION si este 100% compatibil cu cel original. Este compatibil cu laptopurile si bateriile specificate in denumire si in lista de compatibilitati de mai jos. Este fabricat conform standardului ISO9001 si contine circuite de protectie la supraincarcare si suprasarcina. Pentru a ii prelungi durata de viata, la primele incarcari acumulatorul necesita o formatare, respectiv trebuie lasat sa se descarce complet si apoi sa se incarce la maxim. Apoi il puteti folosi pana la descarcarea completa si repetati din nou ciclul de trei ori. Este indicat sa repetati aceasta procedura la intervale de 2-3 luni. Pentru incarcare trebuie sa folositi doar incarcatoare dedicate pentru modelul Dumneavoastra de laptop.

Baterie compatibila cu urmatoarele modele baterii


70-NQK1B2000Z, 7414750000, 7430020000, 7432520000, 90-NQK1B1000Y, 90R-NQL1B1000Y, A31-T12, A31-X51, A31-X58, A32-T12, A32-T12J, A32-X51, A32-XT12, CBI2095A

Baterie compatibila cu urmatoarele modele laptop


Medion Akoya P5510, Packard Bell EasyNote MX35, Packard Bell EasyNote MX36, Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-R, Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-T, Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U, Packard Bell EasyNote MX37, Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-T, Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U, Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-V, Packard Bell EasyNote MX45, Packard Bell EasyNote MX45-P, Packard Bell EasyNote MX51, Packard Bell EasyNote MX51-B, Packard Bell EasyNote MX52, Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B, Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-F, Packard Bell EasyNote MX61, Packard Bell EasyNote MX65, Packard Bell EasyNote MX66, Packard Bell EasyNote MX67, Packard Bell EasyNote MX67-O, Packard Bell EasyNote MX67-P, PRO 52, Pro52, PRO52H, PRO52H-AP001C, PRO52H-AP003C, PRO52H-AP005C, PRO52H-AP027P, Pro52J, Pro52JU, PRO52L, PRO52L-AP047C, PRO52L-AP048C, PRO52L-AP053C, PRO52L-AP102A, PRO52L-AP111A, PRO52L-AP125E, Pro52R, PRO52RL, PRO52RL-AP021C, PRO52RL-AP047C, PRO52RL-AP173C, Pro52S, Pro52SN, T12, T12B, T12C, T12E, T12EG, T12ER, T12F, T12FG, T12J, T12JG, T12K, T12KG, T12M, T12MG, T12R, T12RG, T12U, T12UG, X51, X51A, X51C, X51H, X51H X51L X51R X51RL, X51L, X51Q, X51R, X51RL, X51V, X58, X58-P6T, X58C, X58L, X58LE, X59, X59GL, X59SL, X59SR, X5L, X5LD, X5LDA, X5LJ, X5LJT, X5LJU, X5LJV

Packard Bell

MX35 Series, MX36 Series, MX45 Series, MX51 Series, MX52 Series, MX52-B-062 PB94E04961, MX65 Series, MX65-042 Series, MX66 Series, MX66-207 Series

SKU: ALASX51-44 Categorie: Etichetă:

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